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Table of Contents Expand. Table of Contents. A Standard Forex Trade. A Forex Trade Using Bitcoin. Recognizing Forex market graph and Losses. The Bottom Line. Cryptocurrency Bitcoin. Trending Videos.
Why Forex Money trade Is Important. Forex Market Hours Explained. Lot sizes forex Bottom Line. Trending Videos. Key Takeaways Forex can be traded using exchanges in different parts of the world from 5 p. EST on Sunday until 5 p.
EST on Friday. The ability to trade forex over 24 hours is mostly due torex different international time zones.
Bankrate logo The Bankrate promise. Investing disclosure: The investment information provided in this table is for informational and general educational purposes only and lot sizes forex not be construed foreex investment or financial advice. Bankrate logo Editorial integrity. Key Principles We value your trust. Bankrate logo How we make money.
Edited by Mercedes Barba.