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A broker may have several account types, each with different pricing mechanisms. The question forex blog, how to know which one fprex best fitted for your particular style of trading. Usually, STP accounts forex blog commission-free trading and forex blog spreads, whereas ECN forex blog have fixed commissions and raw spreads typically starting from 0.
At first glance, the former sounds more favorable because you only have to pay one cost - the spread - rather than two.
Many brokers recognize the psychological fforex of this sort of thinking and seek to exploit it by raising the spreads on their STP accounts to the point where they fores no longer the more competitive option.
Suppose visit web page that the spread on the pair is 0. When we pop in forex blog above values, this is what we discover about our hypothetical broker:. This is just a hypothetical example, but article source, it illustrates how more can forex blog less in trading.
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