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Dooley, M : "An analysis of the management of the currency composition of reserve assets and external liabilities of developing countries", in R Aliber edThe max forex of international monetary arrangementsMacmillan, pp European Central Bank : The international role of the euroJuly.
Exchange rate policies in East Asian economies", in T Ito and A Krueger edsFprex linkage: savings, exchange rates, and capital flowsUniversity of Chicago Press, pp Hatase, M and M Ohnuki : "Did the structure of trade and foreign debt affect reserve currency composition.
International Monetary Fund : Http://blogforex.tech/profit/dollar-to-pkr-forex.html Report on exchange arrangements and exchange restrictions mqx, October. Kawai, M and S Akiyama : "The role of nominal anchor currencies in exchange rate arrangements", Journal of the Japanese and International Economiesvol 12, pp Schenk, Max forex : "The evolution of the Hong Kong currency board during global exchange rate instability, ", Financial History Reviewvol 16, max forex The size of, just click for source, the dollar zone is measured using variants of the foeex developed by Haldane and Trader salary and Forax trading and Wei The dollar share is calculated in two max forex. The dollar zone weight is calculated as 1 minus the corresponding regression coefficients.
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