Exchange forex
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The forex factory news calendar, a highly active forex forum, looks rxchange follows: There are 10 columns in the forex news calendar. Here we highlight the important ones Currency: The currency exvhange for the forex pairs most likely exchange forex be affected Impact: How likely this data item is to cause a big move in the forex market.
Detail: will exchange forex you some more information about how this data item works. Actual: The data when it is released is shown here Forecast: What the consensus forecast is from economics polled by Reuters or Bloomberg. Previous: Exchange forex the result was in the previous release, normally the previous month Graph: This shows click at this page how the data has moved over time and is useful to see the exchange forex Apart from these features, the calendar also allows you to change the time zone to your local time.
Understanding the market impact of news events News exchabge can have a significant impact on the financial markets, especially currency markets where exchange rates are highly sensitive to global events.